The Round 1 Adjudication for the WEX Interclub Competition was hosted by BPIC on Thursday 27 October 2022. Congratulations to Trevor Griffiths who gained his first Starred Image for “Lloyds of London” with a score of 13. Brian McClure scored 14 for “A Penny for Them” as did Robert Sergeant for “Sidecar Racers”. And a big cheer for Ossie Bruce who gained a perfect score of 15 for “Barrel Wave”.

Thanks to them and the other members who had images representing the club, CPA finished Round 1 in first place in the Principal Competition!

Starred Images

Lloyds of London

Trevor Griffiths

A Penny for Them

Brian McClure

Sidecar Racers

Robert Sergeant

Barrel Wave

Ossie Bruce

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