Results 2022

On Tuesday 10th January 2023 CPA hosted the large-format, print only Will McCrum Memorial Competition for Portraiture. Our judge, Darren Brown, provided superb feedback on each of the 89 prints entered, the first judge ever to comment on every image submitted.

Congratulations to our winners:

1st place – Amanda’s Defiance – Jennifer Willis, Catchlight Camera Club
2nd place – King Geraldo II – Kenneth Gibson, Catchlight Camera Club
3rd place – Mysterious Girl – Oliver Molloy, Dungannon & Cookstown Camera Club
Interestingly, our placings went to the exact same clubs last year, just with different authors!

Six images were Highly Commended:

Himba Tribe Namibia – Patricia Mackey, Ards Camera Club
Age of Innocence – Ross McKelvey, Catchlight Camera Club
Mr Cool – Ross McKelvey, Catchlight Camera Club
Trapper – Ross McKelvey, Catchlight Camera Club
Turkish Delight – Ross McKelvey, Catchlight Camera Club
Golden Glow – Tony Mulvenna, Catchlight Camera Club

Three images were Commended:

The Monk – Kieran Murray, Banbridge Camera Club
Into the Blue – Natasha Ellison, Raw Photographic Camera Club
Stuart – Ross McKelvey, Catchlight Camera Club

Very well done to all the placed authors and our thanks to Darren for sharing his expertise. Finally, thank you to everyone who supported the competition this year, it was much appreciated as always.

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