Results 2017

Now in its 6th year, the large-format, print-only Will McCrum Memorial Competition for Portraiture again enjoyed continued success. This year saw a fantastic entry of 105 prints from 24 members belonging to 8 NIPA-affiliated camera clubs. CPA always strive to keep the judging of this competition totally neutral by inviting an external (non-NIPA) judge, with Peter Thomas doing the honours this time around. Peter is a professional portrait and wedding photographer, running Peter Thomas Photography out of a Belfast studio. 

On Tuesday 9th January Peter came to CPA to offer his feedback, having spent a considerable amount of time judging the entry a few weeks previously. As well as his three placed images, Peter selected four Highly Commended and four Commended images. Our thanks to Peter for his time and expertise.

For the sixth year in a row the winning image was a male portrait, but after the first winning colour image in 2016, we once again welcome a mono image as our winner. Congratulations to Paul Hanley of CPA who took first place with a high-key portrait of his son Luke. This is the first time that the winning author has come from a club other than Catchlight, and of course we’re delighted to see three CPA members on the board alongside the five Catchlight members who had images selected. 


1st – Paul Hanley
2nd – Collette O’Neill
3rd – Ross McKelvey








HC – Collette O’Neill
HC – Hugh Wilkinson
HC – John Tinneny
HC – Paul Hanley
C – Brian McClure
C – Brian McClure
C – Michael Mulholland
C – William Allen














Thank you to everyone who entered this year, it is great to see the competition going from strength to strength. Our thanks also to Vittorio Silvestri who continues to be the driving force behind the scenes and who does so much to keep Will’s vision alive.

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