Awards and Distinctions

There are a number of photographic awards and distinctions which members can apply for, most notably from the Royal Photographic Society, the Irish Photographic Federation and the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. Awards are available at various levels, all requiring a panel of images to be submitted, but with more images required for the advanced levels. Several CPA members have attained awards and their successful panels are showcased below. If you are interested in going for an award, please feel free to speak to any of the members who can offer advice on the process and tell you about their experience.

Louise Borbely CPAGB
(Credit of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) – April 2018

Robert Sergeant CPAGB
(Credit of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) – April 2018

Chelle McGaughey LRPS LIPF
(Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society) – March 2019
(Licentiate of the Irish Photographic Federation) – December 2019

Ernie Patterson LRPS
(Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society)

Ernie gained his LRPS award via the educational route with a series of eight City & Guilds photography modules covering princples of photography, colour photography, black and white photography, landscape, architecutre, portraiture, action and movement, and images without lenses. Each module required a panel of ten images submitted as a workbook with a description and explanation of how each image was taken.

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