
Agreed at Special General Meeting on January 29th 1989
Updated: 24th May 2016
Subscriptions amended at the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 30th May 2017


1.            The name of the club shall be the Central Photographic Association (CPA) Camera Club.


2.            The objective of the club shall be the furtherance of an interest in and knowledge of photography.


3.            The membership of the club shall be open to all who are interested in photography.

4.            There is no entrance fee.

5.            The annual subscription shall be

Students                     :              £35
Concessionary           :              £40
General                       :              £50
Family                         :              £60

Payable on 1st September. Members joining after 1st January shall pay half the annual subscription for the current financial year.

6.            The Committee reserves the right to refuse or suspend membership from any person.

7.            Any member who has been suspended shall have the right to appeal to the annual or special general meeting of the club.

8.            All new members will be given a set of club rules.

9.            The members of the club at a general meeting may elect honorary members for outstanding services to the club.


10.          The affairs of the club shall be managed by the Committee, which shall consist of the following

Vice Chairperson
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Programme Secretary
Honorary Exhibition Secretary
NIPA Representative

Six ordinary members. All except the six ordinary members shall be elected each year at the annual general meeting. Three of the ordinary members shall retire annually in order of seniority of election but shall be eligible for re-election. The Chairperson shall not hold office for more than two consecutive years except when special circumstances occur which, in the opinion of the club in general meeting, make it desirable that he shall continue in office for a further period of one year only.

11.          The Committee shall meet a least four times each year. Five members, one of who must be an office-bearer, shall form a quorum.

12.          The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a member to fill any vacancy which may occur. Such co-option shall have effect until the next annual general meeting.

13.          The Committee may, at its discretion, elect from members of the club such other officers as it may consider necessary and to appoint subcommittees.

14.          The Committee shall have the power to enact, amend or annul bylaws relating to the use of the club facilities or other matters as occasion may arise.

A copy of such bylaws should be available to members.


15.          No expenditure shall be incurred without the authority of the Committee.

16.          At the Annual General Meeting, the members of the club shall elect an auditor who shall not be a member of the Committee.

17.          The financial year will run from April 1st to March 31st.


18.          The Chairperson, or in their absence, the Vice Chairperson, shall take the chair at all meetings of the club. If both are absent, the meeting shall elect a member to take the chair.

19.          The Honorary Secretary shall keep detailed minutes of all committee meetings and of the annual (and any special) general meetings.

20.          In all matters requiring a vote, a bare majority shall be sufficient. The Chairperson shall in all cases have a casting vote only.

21.          Only members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the club.

22.          The annual general meeting shall be held not later than the 31st May each year. At least 7 days’ notice shall be given to all members of the club.

23.          A special general meeting shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary within one month of receipt of a written request for such a meeting signed

by not fewer than 10 members stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. The Committee also shall have the power to summon a special general meeting of the club. The notice convening such meeting shall be sent to all members at least 7 days beforehand and shall be accompanied by the full agenda. No business outside the agenda shall be transacted.


24.          The general rules may be amended only at the annual (or a special) general meeting.

The full text of amendments with proposer and seconder must be sent in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least three weeks before the meeting.

To download a PDF copy of our Constitution please click here.

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