The 2021 NIPA Novice Competition was a digital event, as all NIPA competitions have been this season. Instead of the usual three sections for mono prints, colour prints and projected digital images, the competition ran with two sections – mono images and colour images. The images were judged online and the results presented via Zoom on Thursday 15 April.
The 2020 competition had to be cancelled due to the lockdown restrictions which came into force a few weeks before it was due to be held, so it was great to see the competition back this season. It is the perfect opportunity for the novice members in the club to have their work judged alongside their peers. CPA have a great record of both supporting and doing well in the competition and this year was no exception.
Congratulations to Joanne Lavery, Stephen McComb, Paula Johnston, Frank Dunleavy and Brian Carey, all of whom had images Commended.
Highly Commended
Congratulations to Colin Paul, Min Jin, Brian Carey and Stephen McComb, all of whom had images Highly Commended.
Second place
And finally huge congratulations to Colin Paul who took second place in the mono section for Heron on the Weir. This is the second NIPA star for this image as it was also successful in the Interclub Competition.
Thank you to all our novice members who entered the competition and continue to represent CPA Camera Club so well.