Print Battle 2021 – CPA vs CB Camera Club

On Thursday 22 April we had the second of our annual print battles, though this year the more accurate term is image battle since the competition had to be held digitally over Zoom.

CPA faced CB Camera Club with each club putting forward 20 colour and 20 mono images. Our thanks to CB for hosting the event this year and to Eileen McCausland of Dungannon & Cookstown Camera Club who was the judge for the evening.

The images were presented four at a time and Eileen gave her feedback and then scored each image out of five before moving on to the next set of four. The competition couldn’t have been closer with some great images from both clubs in the mix.

CPA 62
CB 62

CPA 60
CB 61

CPA 122
CB 123

Congratulations to CB Camera Club who pipped us by one point, and well done to everyone who had an image selected to represent their club.

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