Club trip to Kerry

Each year CPA members head off for a week long photographic trip, with past adventures taking us to Prague, Iceland, Andalusia and Lanzarote. Our trip to Gdansk last year had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, so rather than waiting until next spring, our usual time to head off, we decided that this year we’d start off our season in style.

Eight members headed to County Kerry for the first week in September. We were lucky enough to obtain accommodation thanks to a fellow photographer, and the location couldn’t have been better for heading out to locations all around the county. We had a couple of days of amazing weather – on one of which the hottest place in Ireland was Valentia in Kerry – followed by a few grayer days, but only one wet day which was fairly remarkable for summer in Ireland 🙂

Thanks to our three drivers – Vittorio, Robert and Steve – who each put over 1000 miles on their cars, and to Vittorio and Kieran for organising the trip. It was great to get out and about with the camera again alongside friends.

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