Practicals and Outings Competitions 2020-21

On Tuesday 13 April 2021 we had our two special competitions for images taken on practical nights and on outings throughout the year. As we’re still living under the COVID-19 restrictions these competitions were a little different than usual: instead of practical nights in the club rooms, we had regular home practicals on a series of themes, and outings were limited to a handful of socially-distanced trips for smaller numbers of members when lockdown restrictions were eased over the summer months.

We had 32 entries for the Practicals competition and 24 entries for the Outings competition. The images were scored out of 5 by the 12 members in attendance and the results were as follows:


1st) Splash – Steve Haydon
2nd) Humour 1 and Water (joint) – Robert Sergeant
3rd) Humour 2 – Robert Sergeant
4th) Greenfly Family – Steve Haydon

OUTINGS – Moucka Shield

1st) Belvoir – Brian Carey
2nd) Belfast – Robert Sergeant
3rd) Titanic Quarter – Brian Carey
4th) Slidderyford Infrared – Vittorio Silvestri

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