On Tuesday 7th April 2020 we had the two special competitions for photographs taken on Practical Nights at CPA and for those taken on Club Outings during the year. As usual for our in-house competitions, the winning images were selected by the club members. Due to the ongoing social distancing regulations, we had to come up with a new format this season: instead of a print competition they moved to projected digital images, we created an online scoring form for each competition, and the images were displayed to members via video conferencing. Members viewed all entered images first, then again whilst they scored each image between 1 and 5; whilst the scores were being tallied, members commented on the images before the results were announced.
We have only a few Practicals during the season, and so this usually results in a small entry. This year was no exception with 11 prints entered. Steve Haydon and Robert Sergeant were joint winners of the Agnew Cup, both taken at our portraiture practical night – funnily enough Robert’s portrait was of Steve! Both guys doubled up with Steve taking 2nd place and Robert 3rd with images taken during a practical on focus stacking.
There were 30 entries in the Club Outings competition, including images from the weekend trip to Co Wexford over the summer and day trips to Belfast and Dublin Zoos and Oxford Island among them. Vittorio Silvestri retained the Moucka Shield with Robert Sergeant taking both remaining places.
Thanks to everyone who entered and congratulations to those with placed images. We’ve been holding virtual meetings for the past month now but this was the first competition night and it ran incredibly smoothly with 20 members online and voting, so huge thanks to the committee for their organisation of the event.
The results were as follows:
Agnew Cup
Joint 1st) Steve Haydon – Our Frank
Joint 1st) Robert Sergeant – Portraiture
2nd) Steve Haydon – Time Out
3rd) Robert Sergeant – Focus Stacking
Moucka Shield
1st) Vittorio Silvestri – Home Coming
2nd) Robert Sergeant – Social Media Addict
3rd) Robert Sergeant – Banded Demoiselle