Coronavirus Update

24 March 2020

Some of our committee members decided that they wouldn’t let the COVID19 shutdown hold them back, and tonight CPA Camera Club will have its first remote club meeting via video conferencing. We’ll be using Zoom to connect remotely, view images and get on with the business at hand. Thank you to our committee for organising this and giving everyone the opportunity to continue their photography during this difficult time.

17 March 2020

Over recent days the CPA Camera Club committee have been discussing the ongoing Coronavirus situation and how it is likely to impact our club. We have now been informed that the Morton Community Centre has closed as a precautionary measure, and that, in light of government advice to reduce social interaction, NIPA have cancelled or postponed events for the remainder of the 2019-2020 season.

Unfortunately we have no option but to follow suit and suspend all planned CPA events in order to safeguard our members. I’m sure many of you were looking forward to the Annual Exhibition, always the highlight of our season. At this time we hope to merely postpone the Exhibition rather than cancel it altogether. The committee will review the situation in August and, all being well, we will be able to launch our 2020-21 season with the Exhibition.

Until such times as it is possible to safely hold an AGM, the current committee will continue in post and aim to proceed with organising the programme for the new season as usual in the hopes that the situation will have improved by September. Committee members will continue to provide updates as applicable.

We would like to thank all our members for their support this season and their contribution to CPA. We look forward to welcoming everyone back next season.

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