NIPA 19-20 R5 – Open

On Tuesday 25 February we had the last of the NIPA Interclub Competition rounds for the 2019-20 season. This was an Open round and was judged for us by one of NIPA’s Honorary Life Vice Presidents, Dr Danny McCaughan from Donaghadee Camera Club.

The entry consisted of 15 mono and 17 colour prints plus 20 projected digital images. Danny gave considerable time to commenting on all the prints. Thank you, Danny, for your time and expertise. Danny’s selection was as follows:

1. Chelle McGaughey – Bayon
2. Pauline McAleese – Off to Work
3. Steve Haydon – Francois Langur
4. Michael Mulholland – Wheel Man
N. Stephen Emerson – In Daddy’s Arms

1. Steve Haydon – Harley Quinn
2. Steve Haydon – He’s Behind You
3. Robert Sergeant – Moroccan Beauty
4. Stephen Emerson – Leaving Gormanston

1. Michael Mulholland – True Love
2. Michael Mulholland – Trying to Fly
3. Steve Haydon – Gulf Fritillary
4. Pauline McAleese – Gloucester Cathedral
N. Stephen Emerson – One O’Clock

The results for the season are available here.

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