Fourth place finish

The Wex Interclub Competition 2019-20 has drawn to a close and we’re delighted that CPA Camera Club finished the season in 4th place. Our results in both the Novice and the Principle Competitions were very similar: our placings in mono and colour were the same but we scored significantly better with our projected digital images, and it was the 2nd place finishes there that raised our overall rankings.

Congratulations to everyone who had an image selected to represent the club this year. Our members had a total of 10 starred images across the rounds: well done to Robert Sergeant (3), Michael Mulholland (2), Pauline McAleese (2), Ossie Bruce (1), Stephen Emerson (1) and Steve Haydon (1). Robert should be especially commended on not one but two perfect scores – we don’t often see a 15!

Our thanks to the five judges who gave their time to come to the club and select the images which would go forward to NIPA, to our Competition Secretary for coordinating our entry and all the members who attended the adjudication events in support of our club. As usual the NIPA Competition Committee worked hard to ensure a successful season.

As a club we’d also like to congratulate the competition winners, Ards Camera Club for winning the Novice Competition (Alan Hillen notably gaining a total of six stars during the season, and Jonny Andrews three), and Catchlight Camera Club for winning the Principle Competition (Pamela Wilson gaining six of the club’s 19 stars this season). Very well done to everyone involved.

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