Practical: Water

On Tuesday 20th February our own Ernie Patterson LRPS gave a workshop on freeze frame water-themed photography. He brought along an ingenious homemade system for triggering a flash to allow members to capture spectacular images of a dart (again homemade) bursting a water balloon. Ernie had rigged up a trigger in which the weight of the water balloon held a swtich (made from a clothes peg) open. As soon as the balloon burst, the weight went off the switch and the flash was fired. This was all done against a black background in a dark room. Ernie instructed us to use bulb mode and told us when to open the shutter and when to close it. In additon, one of our members brought along a fish tank and Ernie provided a red pepper to attempt capture of the pepper hitting the water. The evening was well attended by the club’s new novice members, who all enjoyed it greatly. Thank you, Ernie!


William Allen
Jim Walker
Michael Mulholland
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