NIPA Rd 1 – Open

On Tuesday 26 September we had the first open round of the NIPA Interclub Competition for this season. Our judge for the evening was Brian Maguire LRPS from Belfast Photo-Imaging Club.

The entry consisted of 31 mono, 45 colour and 37 PDIs. Brian took the time to comment on all the images and offer some constructive criticism. Many thanks Brian for your time and effort.

His choice of placed images was as follows:


1st) William Allen – Counting Whiskers
2nd) William Allen – A Nice Cup of Tea
3rd) Paul Hanley – Cupola
4th) Vittorio Silvestri – Prague Subway
N) William Allen – A Nice Cup of Tea


1st) Paul Hanley – He Sits and Waits
2nd) Steve Haydon – Jocks
3rd) Chelle McGaughey – A Slice of Light
4th) Paul Hanley – Lost in Thought
N) Steve Haydon – Jocks


1st) Vittorio Silvestri – Crowning Glory
2nd) Ossie Bruce – First Snow
3rd) Paul Hanley – Berlin Stairwell
4th) Paul Hanley – A Very Modern Bavarian Castle
N) William Allen – Haunted

William Allen
Paul Hanley
Vittorio Silvestri
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