
Darren Brown, both a judge and a guest speaker at CPA last year and very welcome this season as a new member, provided us with a double-header on portraiture recently. On Tuesday 12th September Darren covered the theory with his presentation on the Art of Portraiture, discussing equipment, lighting, posing and interacting with a model. He then demonstrated the points he had covered with the help of Francesca, one of our younger members. With the camera tethered to the laptop and projector we were able to see each shot as he moved the lights, changed the pose and swapped softboxes for beauty dishes.

The following week on the 19th Darren invited the lovely Enya Sullivan along as our model for the evening, allowing the members to put the theory into practice. The two evenings proved thoroughly enjoyable for all those who attended. Our thanks go to Darren and his beautiful and very patient assistants.

Francesca with Darren
Darren Brown
Darren Brown
Paul Hanley
Chelle McGaughey


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