Welcome Back

The 2016-17 season kicked off on Tuesday 6th September. It was lovely to catch up with everyone after the summer break, and to welcome some new faces to the club. As well as a look at the programme for this year, several members showed images captured over the past few months and spoke about their time at the club and what CPA has meant to them. I think we can all agree that CPA is a very welcoming club to belong to, and coming off our most successful season ever – we finished the NIPA Interclub Competition in 3rd place, with Robert winning the Top Colour Print and Paul winning the Top Mono Print of the year – we foresee an exciting season ahead!

We’ve been working to update the website over the summer and want to showcase each of our members, so if everyone could supply at least one image 1440 x 550 px to use on the slider at the top of the home page, plus one landscape image to represent them in the Members’ Gallery, we can show the rich variety of images that are captured by CPA members each season.

A reminder too that we have the CPA Facebook group where members can chat, upload images or arrange outings so please do consider joining in.

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