NIPA RD2 – Open

Last night we had NIPA round 2. This was an Open competition.

Our judge for the evening was Leslie Armour from Ards CC.

Leslie had a mammoth task ahead of him with one of the biggest entries that I can remember for many years, 38 B&W, 52 Colour and 39 PDI’s, many of which were novice entries.

He took some time previewing the images and then gave some constructive comments on each one individually, suggesting how he thought some images could be improved.

Many thanks Leslie for your time and effort.

His choice of placed images was as follows:


1st) Vittorio Silvestri –  The Titanic from The Drawing Room
2nd) Balfour Stalker – Carlo
3rd) Eugen Baban – Flower
4th) Trevor Griffiths – Pont Alexandre
N) Eugen Baban – Flower

1st) Tim Hill – Rue Verdi Sunrise
2nd) Vittorio Silvestri – Black & Blue
3rd) Vittorio Silvestri – Affectionate Peck
4th) John A Hill – Mournes from Craigantlet
N) Tim Hill – Rue Verdi Sunrise

1st) Vittorio Silvestri – Romeo & Juliet
2nd) Kieran Close – Full Speed Ahead
3rd) Kieran Close – Speedbird
4th) Michael McKenna – Lighthouse
N) Michael McKenna – Lighthouse

Titanic from the Drawing Room_Vittorio Silvestri_CPA_A
Titanic from the Drawing Room – Vittorio Silvestri
2014-10-24 00.00.05
Rue Verdi Sunrise – Tim Hill
A_Romeo & Juliet_Vittorio Silvestri_CPA_A
Romeo & Juliet – Vittorio Silvestri








Points to date can be found at Monthly Competitions 1415

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