NIPA Round 4 – Open

Last night we had the NIPA round 4 open competition.

Our judge for the evening was local professional photographer and BPIC member Donal McCann

Donal took some time previewing the images and them commented on each one individually.

His comments while sometimes negative always suggested ways in which the image could be improved.

He had 11 B&W, 16 colour and 31 PDI’s to judge.

His choice of placed images were as follows:

B&W (11, 1 novice)
1st) Balfour Stalker – Watch Dog
2nd) Vittorio Silvestri – Bad Eddie
3rd) Balfour Stalker – Angular Building
4th) John A Hill (N) – Those Were The Days

Colour (16, 6 novice)
1st) Paul Kavanagh – Sandra
2nd) Kieran Close – The Juggler
3rd) Vittorio Silvestri – Soaking up the Sun
4th) Kieran Close – Silent Protest
N) John Jefferson – Carrick Reflection

PDI (31, 20 novice)
1st) Louise Borbely – Stairway
2nd) Kieran Close – No Hands
3rd) Louise Borbely – Pomegranate
4th) Michael McKenna (N) –

Results and points to date can be found at results post RD4

Sandra – Paul Kavanagh
Stairway – Louise Borbely
Watchdog - Balfour Stalker
Watchdog – Balfour Stalker


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