Practicals and Outings Competitions 2022-23

The last of our special competitions were held on Tuesday 4 April, for images captured at club practical nights and on official club outings. Our judge for the evening was Jim McKeever.

Our thanks to Jim for giving up his time to judge all our competitions this evening. His selection was as follows:

1. The Magnificent Three – Brian McClure
2. Shedding Light on Newton’s Cradle – Ossie Bruce
3. No Surrender – Brian McClure
HC. Mirabel and Bruno – Steve Haydon

OUTINGS – Moucka Shield
1. Hmong Lady – Min Jing
2. Street Market – Min Jing
3. Feeding Female Blackbird – Robert Sergeant
HC. On the Run – Steve Haydon

No Surrender

Brian McClure

Mirabel & Bruno

Steve Haydon

Hmong Lady

Min Jing

Street Market

Min Jing

Feeding Female Blackbird

Robert Sergeant

On the Run

Steve Haydon

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