On Tuesday 22 September we had the first open round of the NIPA Interclub Competition 2020-21. Given the ongoing restrictions around the COVID-19 pandemic, NIPA made the decision to run this year’s competition with digital-only submissions, but maintaining the same sections as usual to ensure consistency. Therefore the competition will continue to have a colour section, a mono section and a projected digital image section.
Our judge for the evening was John Tinman from CB Camera Club. John is a a fairly new judge on the circuit so it was a pleasure to welcome him to CPA for the first time. John’s selection was as follows:
1. Stephen Emerson – Sophie
2. Michael Mulholland – Quenching Thirst
3. Robert Sergeant – Junior Champ
4. Vittorio Silvestri – Slidderyford Infrared
N. Brian Carey – Slidderyford
1. Louise Borbely – Starry Starry Night
2. Robert Sergeant – Fairy Glen, Wales
3. Robert Sergeant – Mating Common Blues
4. Vittorio Silvestri – Head Chef
HC. Steve Haydon – Back in Time
HC/N. Colin Paul – Robin’s Eye
1. Vittorio Silvestri – Home Coming
2. Min Jing – Puffin
3. Brian Carey – Damselfly
4. Robert Sergeant – All the Fun of the Fair
Points to date are available here.