2019 Flora & Fauna

On Tuesday 5 February we had one of our in-house club competitions on the theme of Flora & Fauna. The entry consisted of 29 prints, a mix of both colour and monochrome although with a natural history theme, colour naturally predominated. As usual the competition was judged by our membership, with each member selecting their top five images which received a score from 5 to 1.

This method often sees multiple images achieving the same score and this year was no exception, with both second and third places being tied. The placed images were as follows:

1st. Steve Haydon
Joint 2nd. Steve Haydon, Michael Mulholland
Joint 3rd. Robert Sergeant, Michael Mulholland
4th. Chelle McGaughey

Huge congratulations to Steve who has managed to win this competition for the third year in a row. Flora and Fauna certainly a speciality for him!

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