NIPA RD2 – Open

On Tuesday 23rd Oct we had RD2 of the NIPA Inter-Club Competition judged at the Club. Our judge for the evening was Eileen McCausland from Dungannon & Cookstown CC. Eileen is an experienced judge on the NIPA circuit and breezed through the 20 mono, 28 colour and 30 PDIs submitted by the members. She gave good positive/constructive feedback on every image and selected four from each section to represent CPA at the NIPA Inter-Club.

Thank you Eileen for your time and experience.

Eileen’s choices were as follows:

1st. Robert Sergeant – Lake Bled
2nd. Vittorio Silvestri – Pretty Ginger Trio
3rd. Vittorio Silvestri – Sohaib
4th (N). Pauline McAleese – Slice of Cake

1st. William Allen – Jessica in Sari
2nd. William Allen – By the light of his iPhone
3rd. Ossie Bruce – Milkyway Over Inch Abbey
4th. Louise Borbely – Mycena Trio
N. Stephen McComb – Titantic Quarter

1st. Steve Haydon – Living on the Edge
2nd. Louise Borbely – Battlo Interior
3rd. Louise Borbely – Gaudi Interior
4th. Robert Sergeant – Baker Street – Mind the Gap
N. Helen Honeyman –  Sun Bear

Results to date can be found here

Lake Bled – Robert Sergeant
Jessica in Sari – William Allen
Living On The Edge – Steve Haydon


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