Gabriel O’Shaughnessy

On Tuesday 16th January we had Gabriel O’Shaughnessy MFIAP, FIPF, FRPS, EFIAP/b at the CPA. Following Gabriel’s presentation at the NIPA 50th and his reputation as one of the leading photographers from the Dundalk World Cup winning camera club, this had the makings of being a well-attended night by all NIPA-affiliated club members.
Unfortunately the weather didn’t play ball, snow the night before and on the day put many people off travelling. However Gabriel did make it all the way from Dundalk and gave a fabulous presentation of around 100 exhibition size prints to around 12 people. This smaller group actually made for a more relaxed and intimate presentation.
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Gabriel’s comments about his work and while the prints were amazing, I was more impresse diwth his imagination and ability to capture several images and have an idea of how they would go together afterwards. He went through sevel examples where he showed several before shots and how he combined them in an after shot.
A great night’s presentation and something not to be missed should the opportunity arise again.
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