Practical Night & Club Outing Competitions

On Tuesday 28th March we had the two special competitions for photographs taken on Practical Nights at CPA and for those taken on Club Outings during the year.

There were 27 entries, both colour and mono, in the Club Outings competition which showcased a large number of images from the day trip to Belfast Zoo and the longer trip to Andalusia in February, plus a small number from other outings including the Round 4 adjudication day in Londonderry and some Fungi Forays.

The Moucka Shield was presented to Chelle McGaughey for the winning shot taken on a Club Outing, a people study taken at the Alhambra in Granada, Andalusia.

We had only a few Practical Nights this season, one for portraiture and one for textures, and this resulted in a small entry of only 10 prints, 7 of which were portraits. Chelle McGaughey once again proved successful, winning the Agnew Cup for a portrait of fellow club member Steve Haydon.

Thanks to everyone who entered and congratulations to those with placed images.

The results were as follows:

Moucka Shield
1st) Chelle McGaughey
2nd) Chelle McGaughey
3rd) Steve Haydon

Agnew Cup
1st) Chelle McGaughey
2nd) Chelle McGaughey
3rd) Pauline McAleese

Moucka Shield
Agnew Cup
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