Irish Heritage

Tuesday 8th November saw our first club competition of the 2016-17 season; the theme was Irish Heritage with the Roland Bainbridge Memorial Trophy up for grabs.

As is usual for our in-house competitions, the entry of 40 prints, a mixture of mono and colour, was judged by our members. All members commented on the prints, giving their opinion of how the prints met the theme as well as composition, technique and print quality. Each member selected their top five prints, with points awarded ranging from 5 points down to 1 point. All in all, 31 of the 40 prints received a vote with 25 prints scoring between 1 and 10 points.

The results were as follows:

1) Steve Haydon – 24 points
2) Robert Sergeant – 20 points
3) Chelle McGaughey – 17 points
4) Robert Sergeant – 14 points
5) William Allen – 11 points

Congratulations to Steve on picking up his first trophy of the year.

Robbie commenting on his choices
Steve Haydon









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