NIPA RD3 – Street

On Tuesday 8th  we had the third round of the NIPA competitions for this season. This was a themed round (Street).

Our judge for the evening was Hugh Russell, chairman of CBPPU.

The entry for this round was as impressive as the first two. We had 28 mono, 43 colour and 47 PDIs (51 if I hadn’t forgotten Chelle’s), Hugh had a big job to do.

Hugh commented on all the images, mono, colour and PDI, giving good constructive feedback, explaining the positive in each image and commenting on how he thought an image could be improved, if at all.

His task on selecting his top 4 in each section was made more difficult because of the theme. Street has a very definite definition.

Many thanks Hugh for your time and effort.

Congratulations to Chelle McGaughey (new member this year) who almost had a clean sweep in the mono section and again to Robert Sergeant for his 4th place in the PDIs.

Hugh’s choice of placed images was as follows:


1st) Chelle McGaughey – The Music of Prague
2nd) Paul Hanley – Fashion Shoot
3rd) Chelle McGaughey -Age meets Youth
4th) Chelle McGaughey – Angel without an Audience
N) Chelle McGaughey – Angel without an Audience

1st) Ossie Bruce – Keeping Clean
2nd) Louise Borbely – Man’s Best Friend
3rd) Steve Haydon – Play it again Sam
4th) Ossie Bruce – All go
N) Steve Haydon – Play it again Sam

1st) Louise Borbely – Opposite Directions
2nd) Ossie Bruce – Meals on Wheels
3rd) Louise Borbely – Silves Resident
4th) Robert Sergeant – Food Market
N) Robert Sergeant – Food Market


The music of Prague – Chelle McGaughey
Keeping Clean – Ossie Bruce
A_CPA_RD3_Opposite Directions_Louise Borbely
Opposite Directions – Louise Borbely









Results to date can be found here

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