NIPA RD1 Adjudication at the CPA

On Friday 23rd Oct, the CPA hosted RD1 of the NIPA Adjudication evenings for the 2015/16 season. This was a joint host with the City of Belfast Photographic Society.

The evening ran very smoothly and the images were well lit and looked impressive on the new NIPA display stands.

I believe the judges gave good positive feedback on selected images.

I’d like to thank Pauline McAleese (CPA) and Penny Webb (CoB) for making the very welcome tea and break time, Peter Knott (CoB) for the sound facilities, Alan McMorris (Bangor CC) for the operation of the laptop and projection of the images, something I think is taken for granted at times, and all the the NIPA competition committee.

Finally I’d like to say that it was a great pleasure to host the event, particularly as the CPA had so many starred images and are currently topping the leader board with 106.5 points. Onwards and upwards, looking forward to RD2.



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