Print Battle – CPA vs CBPPU

On Thursday 23rd we had our annual print battle with the CBPPU.

It was the CB’s turn to host this event and they organised Brian McKenna to judge.

Both clubs had agreed a print against print format, were one club picks a print and then the other club matches it, i.e. portrait against portrait, landscape against landscape ect.

This proved to be a very enjoyable and exciting way to run the battle. Brian commented on each print in turn then gave his mark for each out of 5.

At break time (after 15 sets) the CPA were ahead by 1 point 53 to 52. Following  the break we agreed to run until 10pm when we managed to get through 33 sets of prints.

Unfortunately for the CPA the CBPPU managed to run away with the show in the second half, winning by 13 points, 121 to 108.

Well done guys, we’ll get you next year.

Thanks Brian for your comments.




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