NIPA RD3 – Structure

Last night we had NIPA round 3. This was a themed round with the subject “Structure”.

Our judge for the evening was Damien McDonald ARPS from CBPPU CC.

Being a themed round we had a smaller than usual entry, though the standard was extremely high in all sections.

Damien took some time over the mono entry giving some positive constructive comments on all the prints and always analysised whether the print adhered to the theme.

We had 20 colour and 36 PDI’s and Damien managed to comment on them all, suggesting how he thought some images could be improved.

Many thanks Damien for your time and effort.

His choice of placed images was as follows:


1st) Vittorio Silvestri –  Vatican Pillars
2nd) Vittorio Silvestri – The Crum
3rd) Balfour Stalker – Falls Balls
4th) Balfour Stalker – Architectural Geometry
N) Eugen Baban – Irish Cross

1st) Louise Borbely – Honey Fungus
2nd) Louise Borbely – Amanita Muscasia
3rd) Vittorio Silvestri – Titanica
4th) Louise Borbely – Crunchie
N) Desi McPhillips – Missed the Boat

1st) Stephen Black – Hemispheres
2nd) Louise Borbely – Skeleton
3rd) Trevor Griffiths – British Museum
4th) Stephen Black – Ribs
N) Trevor Griffiths – British Museum


Vittorio – Vatican Pillars
Louise – Honey Fungus
Stephen Black – Hemispheres







Points to date can be found at Monthly Competitions 1415

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