NIPA Round 2 – Open

Last Tuesday we had round 2 of the NIPA competitions. This was an open round which we judged internally.

This proved to be a good exercise and gave everyone a chance to select and comment on their favourite images.

It will be interesting to see how they do at NIPA as our round 1 selection didn’t fare to well.

Results were as follows.


1. Balfour Stalker – Lighthouse
2. Louise Borbely – Stags in the Autumn mist
3. Balfour Stalker – Leaving home
4. Louise Borbely – Gills
N. Louise Borbely – Gills

1. Balfour Stalker – Sax in Amsterdam
2. Balfour Stalker – Out of the darkness
3. Michael McKenna – Sandra
4. Vittorio Silvestri – Three go walking
N. Michael McKenna – Sandra

1. Louise Borbely – Stags in mist
2. Louise Borbely – Snail
3. Desi McPhillips – Hang gliders
4. Michael McKenna – Evening Robin
N. Michael McKenna – Evening Robin







A full  list of the results to date can be found here Monthly Competitions 1213

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