NIPA 2021-22 Panel Project

CPA were one of eleven NIPA clubs who submitted an entry to the 2021 NIPA Panel Project. The idea was that each club would select a theme and spend 2021 taking images on that theme within a five mile radius of the club.

Our panel, entitled ‘Beauty in the Details’, was on the theme of Belfast Architecture.

There are many quotations about details: Mies van der Rohe told us that “God is in the details”, Jim Jarmusch that “the beauty of life is in small details” and Leonardo da Vinci that “details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail”. Our members chose to portray the architecture of Belfast, not by taking a wider view, but by focusing on those small details.

In arriving at our final panel, first all members were invited to suggest possible themes. With 12 suggestions received, the ten Club Officers and Committee members were asked to vote for their top three themes. Belfast Architecture was our winner, and 11 members submitted a total of 55 images for consideration for the NIPA Panel Project. An evening was set aside for the membership to review the entry, and it quickly became clear that the images with the most impact were those which focussed on the details, and so the direction of our panel was set. The members selected the final ten images and arranged them into the order you see here.

CPA would like to thank all our members for playing their part in this project.

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