NIPA 2021-22 R4 – Human Impact on the Environment

On Tuesday 25 January 2022 we had Round 4 of NIPA’s Wex Interclub Competition on the theme of Human Impact on the Environment. Our judge for the evening was Judith Kimber LIPF ARPS MPAGB/AV of Bangor & North Down Camera Club. Judith has judged for us several times and it’s always a pleasure to welcome her back to CPA – virtually on this occasion.

Judith’s selection was as follows:

1. England’s Green and Pleasant Land 2022 – Helen Honeyman
2. Giants of Power – Vittorio Silvestri
3. Dark Satanic Mills – Helen Honeyman
4. Clean Natural Energy – Steve Haydon
N. Escape – Min Jing

1. Fire, Smoke, Toxins and Waste – Colin Paul
2. Lost Faith – Stephen Emerson
3. Tip of the Iceberg – Stephen Emerson
4. Destroying My Home – Steve Haydon
N. Telecom Mast – Steve McComb

1. From Little Acorns – Stephen Emerson
2. Leaking – Min Jing
3. Salt Pans, No Wildlife – Helen Honeyman
4. Drowning – Stephen Emerson

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