Tuesday 14th November saw two in-house competitions with the award of the first trophies of the 2017/18 season. Irish Heritage had an entry of 33 prints, 11 mono and 22 colour. The very elegant Roland Bainbridge Memorial Trophy awaited the winning image. The entry contained a wide range of subjects from the familiar geography of the Gian’ts Causeway to landmark buildings and bridges, church interiors and vernacular architecture in the form of traditional cottages, both interior and exterior.
Jim McKeever was our judge for the evening and he commented on all the images on the board, highlighting his favourites. His choice of placed images was as follows:
1) Chelle McGaughey
2) Vittorio Silvestri
3) Chelle McGaughey
4) Steve Haydon
The winning image, portraying Northern Ireland’s cultural heritage with a Lambeg drum on the Twelfth, was the only one on the board which included people and Jim felt that this was what made it stand out from the crowd.