NIPA Rd 5 – Bad Weather

On Tuesday 28th February we had Round 5 of the Calumet Interclub Competition. Our judge for the evening was Anne Given from Catchlight Camera Club, and current NIPA Vice-President.

Themed rounds can prove difficult and so we had a smaller than usual entry for Anne to review. She took the time to comment on each image and offer advice on how they might be improved with cropping or processing. Many thanks for coming along to CPA and sharing your expertise, Anne.

Anne’s choice of placed images was as follows:


1) Ossie Bruce – Refuge in the Storm
2) Chelle McGaughey – Icelandic Skies
3) Steve Haydon – Icelandic Pony
4) Ossie Bruce – Thunderous Sea


1) Chelle McGaughey – The Winding Road
2) Ernie Patterson – A Blizzard at Feeding Time
3) Steve Haydon – Winter Rose
4) Vittorio Silvestri – Vestrahorn


1) Steve Haydon – Icelandic Snowstorm
2) Louise Borbely – Bad Weather 1
3) Ossie Bruce – Optimistic
4) Robert Sergeant – Storm Breaking

Final club points for this year can be found here

Ossie Bruce
Chelle McGaughey
Steve Haydon
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