Club Competition Irish Heritage

On Tuesday 9th we had our first club competition for the Roland Bainbridge memorial trophy for our Irish Heritage competition.

We had an impressive entry of 35 prints, a mixture of mono and colour.

As usual we always judge these club competitions internally, giving our members a chance to comment on what they like about the prints. This went really well with nearly everyone getting up to express an opinion if not formally judging the prints.

The results were as follows:

1st – Vittorio – Pump House Sunset -37 points
J2nd – Vittorio – H&W Gate – 19 Points
J2nd – John Winder – Bridge at Dundrum – 19 points
J3rd – Chelle McGaughey – Traditional soda bread – 18 points
J3rd – Louise Borbely – Guinness time – 18 points
4th – Robert Sergeant – The drawing office – 13 points
5th – Trevor Griffiths – Giants Ring infra-red – 12 points

Vittorio Silvestri – Pump House Sunset


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