NIPA RD4 – Open

Last Tuesday  we had NIPA round 4. This was a open round.

Our judge for the evening was Barry Lau ARPS from BPIC CC.

Barry gave some good constructive comments on all the prints and PDI’s, commenting on how he thought some images could be improved

We had 18 mono, 29 colour and 31 PDI’s.

Many thanks Barry for your time and effort.

His choice of placed images was as follows:


1st) Louise Borbely –  Summer Stretching Out
2nd) Vittorio Silvestri – Dominican Alter
3rd) Louise Borbely – Sulphur Tuft
4th) Louise Borbely – The Sumbean, Rossbeigh
N) Gavin Toman – Compare the Meerkats

1st) Louise Borbely – Feeding Frenzy
2nd) Desi McPhillips – Amanita Muscavia
3rd) Gavin Toman – A day at the Zoo
4th) Louise Borbely – Sherbert Fountain
N) Desi McPhillips – Amanita Muscavia

1st) Louise Borbely – Bee
2nd) Vittorio Silvestri – The Model
3rd) Eugen Baban – Blackford Dolphin
4th) Eugen Baban – The Photographer
N) Eugen Baban – The Photographer


Congratulations to Louise on the clean sweep.

2015-01-13 20.31.01
Louise Borbely – Summer Stretching Out
2015-01-13 21.03.46
Louise Borbely – Feeding Frenzy
A_CPA_RD4_Bee_Louise Borbely
Louise Borbely – Bee







Points to date can be found here

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