Running with our idea of themed practical nights, last Tuesday we had one on the water theme.
This was lead by our own Ernie Patterson.
Ernie brought a shed full of gadgets to help us capture some high speed water action.
He started by giving a brief explanation of the concept of high speed flash photography. By using the short duration of a flash > 1/10000sec, we would be able to freeze motion.
We started by trying to capture a drop hitting a tray of water and a pepper dropping into a fish-tank, which had some element of trial and error.
We finished the night by photographing an exploding balloon. Ernie had devised a clever but simple mechanism which fired the flash the instant the balloon burst.
He demonstrated this, which capturing the first shot, bursting the balloon with a dart.
We had several attempts at this and we all got some excellent results.
Many thanks Ernie 🙂