NIPA RD4 – Open

Last night we had the NIPA round 4, which was an Open round.

Our judge for the evening was Paul Hanley LRPS, from Catchlight Camera Club.

Paul has been to the club on many occasions and is a long standing friend of the CPA.

He took some time previewing the images and then commented on each one individually, no mean feat as we had a great entry of 23 mono, 32 colour & 37 PDI’s.

He gave positive comments and suggestions on how he thought some images could be improved.

Many thanks Paul for your time and effort.

His choice of placed images was as follows:


1st) Louise Borbely – Good day out, by the sea
2nd) Louise Borbely – Fairies
3rd) Louise Borbely – Turf Store
4th) Louise Borbely – Forgotten
N) Louise Borbely – Fairies

1st) Maggie O’Neill – Sea fog on Carrickfinn
2nd) Tim Hill – Bangkok Boat-woman
3rd) Balfour Stalker – Getting a Bit Rusty
4th) Louise Borbely – Making Good Time
N) Tim Hill – Bangkok Boat-woman

1st) Paul Kavanagh – Cathy
2nd) Paul Kavanagh – Murphy
3rd) Frank Dunleavy – Fanad Head Lighthouse
4th) Kieran Close – Sit
N) Frank Dunleavy – Fanad Head Lighthouse

Good day out, by the sea – Louise Borbely
Sea fog on Carrickfinn – Maggie O’Neill
1st) Cathy_Paul Kavanagh_CPA_A
Cathy – Paul Kavanagh








Points to date can be found at Monthly Competitions 1314

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