NIPA RD3 – Dereliction & Degeneration

Last night we had the NIPA round 3, which was a themed round –  Dereliction & Degeneration.

After having judged  this round at two other clubs last week, and noting that entry numbers were down considerably, I worried about our own entry on the night.

I needn’t have worried as we had an amazing entry, the best of the year with 22 mono, 21 colour and 40 PDI’s. Well done to everyone who entered.

Our judge for the evening was Kieran Murray ARPS, AIPF, DPAGB, chairman of Banbrigde Camera Club.

Kieran has been to the club on many occasions and is a long standing friend of the CPA. Not only is he more than qualified to judge this round, but this subject is right up his street so to say.

Kieran took some time previewing the images and then commented on each one individually.

He gave positive comments and suggestions on how he thought some images could be improved.

Many thanks Kieran for your time and effort.



His choice of placed images was as follows:


1st) Balfour Stalker – Outside In
2nd) Vittorio Silvestri – The Old Aga
3rd) Vittorio Silvestri – Danger Keep Out
4th) Balfour Stalker – Gentleman’s Residence
N) Maggie O’Neill – No Longer at this Address

1st) Balfour Stalker – Harm Chair
2nd) Balfour Stalker – Retyred
3rd) Vittorio Silvestri – Though the Window
4th) Balfour Stalker – Homeless
N) Desi McPhillips – Last Chance Saloon

1st) Frank Dunleavy – Once a Cottage
2nd) Kieran Close – Beyond Repair
3rd) Louise Borbely – Cottage
4th) Desi McPhillips – Fireplace
N) Desi McPhillips – Fireplace

Inside Out – Balfour stalker
Harm Chair – Balfour Stalker
1st_Once a Cottage_Frank Dunleavy
Once a Cottage – Frank Dunleavy







Points to date can be found at Monthly Competitions 1314

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