NIPA RD5 – Documentary

Last night we had the NIPA round 5 documentary competition.

Our judge for the evening was Martin Spackman, NIPA vice president and CBPPU member.

Martin took some time previewing the images and then commented on each one individually.

He gave positive comments and suggestions on how he thought some images could be improved.

He had 11 B&W, 14 colour and 9 PDI’s to judge, not a bad entry considering the subject.

Many thanks Martin for your time and effort.

His choice of placed images were as follows:


B&W (11, 2 novice)
1st) Louise Borbely – More Junk
2nd) Louise Borbely – Attitude
3rd) Ray Arnold – Tory Island (1977)
4th) Balfour Stalker – End of an area (no horseplay)
N) Louise Borbely – More Junk

Colour (14, 5 novice)
1st) Balfour Stalker – Beggar Rome
2nd) Balfour Stalker – Flame in Spain (Riot Spain)
3rd) Ernie Patterson – Modern Greece
4th) Michael McKenna – Mummers
N) Michael McKenna – Mummers

PDI (9, 8 novice)
1st) Louise Borbely – Unfinished Business
2nd) Michael McKenna – Little Boy Blue
3rd) Michael McKenna – Horse Sense
4th) Ernie Patterson – Field Hospital
N) Michael McKenna – Little Boy Blue

Results and final points for this season can be found at Monthly Competitions 1213

Congratulations to Louise and Balfour, joint first overall.

More Junk
More Junk – Louise Borbely
8IMG_0991 - Copy  CPA Rd 5 1st Beggar Rome
Beggar Rome – Balfour Stalker
Unfinished Business
Unfinished Business – Louise Borbely
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