NIPA Round 3 – Triangles

Last night we had the NIPA Round 3 competition which was the first off the themed rounds this year. The subject was “Triangles”.

We had Trish Semple from City of Belfast Camera Club judge the competition.

As expected we had a poor entry in terms of numbers but not in terms of quality in all sections.

We had 7 mono prints (2 novice), 11 colour prints (3 novice) and 8 PDI’s (7 novice).

Trish gave a good constructive critique of all images and selected the following as her top 4 in each section:

1) Balfour Stalker – Triangle of Light
2) Balfour Stalker – Infinity Triangles
3) Balfour Stalker – Different Angles
4) Louise Borbely – Stairway

1) Kieran Close – Triangles
2) Balfour Stalker – Building Triangles
3) Balfour Stalker – Dunluce Triangles
4) John A Hill – Staircase

1) Louise Borbely
2) George Hunter – Kat
3) Michael McKenna
4) Louise Borbely

Thank you Trish for your time.

Full details of the results to date can be found at:  2012 / 2013

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