Ross McKelvey – Passion for Prints

Last night Ross McKelvey ARPS DPAGB and chairman of Belfast’s newest club “Catchlight Camera club” was with us at the  CPA.

Ross’s talk was appropriately entitled “Passion for Prints”. From the get-go the quantity and quality of the prints on display spoke volumes.

Ross showed many prints freely explaining how he achieved his results and never hiding the fact that most of his portrait images are composites of at least 2 images, typically the model on one of his many saved backgrounds.

His LRPS panel was on display for the entire evening and Ross clearly stated that he was much more proud of this panel than his ARPS panel. At the end he showed the panel he had entered for his FIPF which he just missed out on.

Also on show were some of his prize winning images beautifully framed  with the medals they had won.



These can be seen on Ross’s website at

Thanks very much for an enjoyable evening



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