Opening Night – 4th September 2012

Tonight we had our opening night of the new season. We had a good turn out with 18 members and 3 new members.

We had a look at the programme breaking it down into 5 specific parts 1) competitions, 2) lectures, 3) practical nights, 4) hands on software and camera tuition and 5) image critique.

Keys nights were highlighted, beginning with our “Tribute to Will McCrum” which we are hosting next week, 11th September. Other speakers this year include Ian Lyons, Ross McKelvey and David Foster. From our own club we have Jim McKeever, Balfour Stalker and Ernie Patterson.

Paul gave an overview of the competitions, NIPA and club and then a tour of our new website, Flickr group and Dropbox which we will be using to file share.

We finished with a discussion on the theme for the month. There were many suggestions and Louis, our youngest member choose “Macro” as the opening theme.

Members will have the opportunity to shoot for this theme during the month of September and we will see the results on the 2nd October when we will also set the new theme.



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